Friday, March 25, 2011

home is sweet .

this entry is written with a full sad emotion .


okayy ,, orang kiri kanan depan belakang semua pakat pakat balek rumah ,, 

aku duduk bilik sorang sorang macam orang bodoh golek sana golek sini tak taw nak buat ape .

dari tadi bukak fb , bosan , tutup fb , tengok movie , bosan , dengar lagu pulak , bosan , bukak fb balek , bosan , tutup balek .

demm .

balek balek clas sampai rumah terus tido ,,

bangon bangon tido terus call ibu .

" ibu ,, nak balek rumah sekarang . " 

sambil tahan suara nak nanges .

" ade cuti ke ? " 

" cuti wekend la ,, isnin balek la campus balek . " 

air mata sudah lari lari kambing kat pipi .

" laa ,, tak payah la balek . cuti sekejap je .. nanti penat badan je balek . "

okayy ,, aer mata terus lari lari ala ala pecut marathon kat pipi .

ya ya ya ,, 

mesti korang kate aku mengade gila dah besar pun homesick lagi ..

ohh ,, pedulik pulak aku .. 

ya ya ya ,,

i am a big girl but i am still homesick .. 

it's just a feeling i get when i feel all alone and i got stressed up with my works in college .. 

talking to mom is a way to comfort the feelings ..

because whenever i need mom , she's there to pick up my call .

is it too childish to cry because u're homesick ?

p/s : still crying .  =[

1 comment:

  1. alololo...
    x mo la sdey2
    esok lusa kitorg blik kay...
    x mo nges da...
    u bukan baby la dear...
    u kan dah .....
    hehehe...sila smbung sndri..
    x mo wat kmu lg sdey...
    happy jer okay..
    lyan movie taw...
